How to Avoid Common Water Heater Problems

Common Water Heater Problems

There’s nothing worse than suffering through one hot water shower on a cold morning only to have the water heater suddenly pop the mixer valve or pop the electrical circuit breaker. It sometimes doesn’t have to be your fault; it can be a problem with the water heater inside your home. It’s important to know some of the warning signs of water heater problems, but you also must realize that these problems can occur without warning. Take action immediately. There are some steps to take to prevent the above problems.

Leaking tank

No matter whether the water heater is tankless or has a tank, a leaking tank is dangerous. Keep a watch out for any mysterious odors that you smell when you first open up the hot water heater tank. The odor may be coming from the flue that needs to be cleaned out. Otherwise, you may need to check for major water heater problems in the rest of your house.

Operating times

When it comes to electric heaters, you should try to avoid operating these devices any earlier than 8 UK hours. During cold weather, the gas unit can’t function properly because of heavy snowfall and low temperatures. Some water heaters are equipped with a built-in emergency backup electric generator. To avoid problems with the generator itself, check your unit’s owners’ manual for a recommended external power source.

General maintenance

UV-C lights are on your water heater to give you a warning sign if the handle has been broken. The lights should be working in order to prevent accidents. To avoid serious electric shock, you can have a professional check your heater’s operation. To avoid further problems, you can check the city’s Power Outage List and see if the water heater is installed outside.

A tip I got on taking care of your water heater from a friend who does Colorado Cabinetry is you can avoid sediment buildup after an unexpected power outage by following a few simple steps. The thermostat is a line of defense that controls water heater problems. If the thermostat isn’t working properly or isn’t properly installed, you can call an electrician to replace it.

Fire hazards

Because electric heaters are open to the elements and as cold as the surrounding air, fires can occur easily. Keep a fire extinguisher and hose around to clear fire risks. The cover might also be used as a fuel storage device by containing the gas. You can turn it off by tapping a switch.

Plastic pipes can cause problems when they’ve been broken. None of your appliances in your home have a master shut off, so when there’s a problem, you need to shut off all electric appliances in your house at once. To avoid shock, you can plug in a generator to avoid fire hazards.


Water heater problems are commonly caused by errors made at home. In addition, because gas heaters have safer controls, you don’t have to feel responsible if the things you do at home gets costly. However, problems with these appliances usually happen fast. Keep your eyes open and you will be able to detect the signs of trouble around your house if you have natural gas or electric heaters.