Network Your Way to Success

business networking

I know it sounds like a cliché, but if you want to succeed, you must network! Many of my competitors will tell you that referrals are what’s needed in order to make a sale. If this is true, then lucky for you I know a lot of people who can give me referrals when they are in need of my services. I’ve also gotten referrals from friends, peers and colleagues in order to build my business. It almost has a snowball effect and I feel like a part of a community! One of the most prominent benefits of networking is the development of social networks within our professional lives that facilitate the ability for us to communicate with others efficiently and effectively. Within our social networks we build relationships that will prove to be beneficial in many ways especially when it comes to our careers. We are simply required to make a conscious effort on building these relationships and carry out the typical networking activities that we can perform.

Let’s start with email marketing. There are a plethora of companies that can send mass messages to people within your professional network. The danger to your prospecting efforts is exposed when people see those emails that come straight out of your machine. There is nothing wrong with mass emails, but if you really want to be effective, you need to do things that enhance your message instead of destroy it. You can begin your form of networking by simply creating a signature at the end of your email that says: “About Me or one of my Top Issues”. This is where you will be positioning yourself as being of substantially higher value than the email itself. How do you do this? I recommend that you identify what your top 3 top 3 priorities are and then write out your own #1 action item on a daily basis. As you create more relationships, this will become a habit and you will find that you are doing quite a few things daily that will position you in a way that allows you to make a huge move towards your goals.

When we communications that you mention a conversation or event that is similar to what your prospect is interested in such as South Carolina IRS Offers In Compromise, make sure that your communication incorporates doing one of two things: ask the person open ended questions to help engage them in the conversation or close the opportunity with an illustration. One way to close is by using ‘been there, done that’ by sharing with the prospect your own activities or resources that are available to them. This is, however, one effective method that is never really seen in my own networking activities. When we describe our activities that are nowhere close to doing what is connected with what we are looking for, it becomes an immediate turn off. The truth is, we are only looking for what is a good fit for us and frankly it usually comes down to the quality of the person that we are around with. The people that we tend to associate with tend to have a higher passion and will have better results in their field of interest. Networking goes to your advantage by leveraging your professional network into the organization and the look-and-feel of your offerings.

One of my best recommendations is to pay attention to what the and what seems to be missing from the way that we have developed the systems and tools that we have to communicate with others. There are more of us than we can possibly identify ourselves with. You can begin to incorporate the things that you would like to accomplish in your business in just about any aspect of your personal life.

If you would like to learn more about these principles and how they apply to your business. I’ve discussed the different content ideas that you can incorporate into your business to make it more effective within those areas. We have demonstrated instances in which these principles can benefit you in a phenomenal way.

How to Make a Commitment

how to become committed to something

I recently attended a lead-up to the Clinical 1st “$100k+ in your first year in a new job” local networking event. I brought my business card, encouraging conversation was going well… until one of the other attendees started talking and without hesitation said, “I want a job with (insert company name).” I was stunned! I had done my homework and made some calls and researched the company and determined that my research was on target. I had one red flag that I recognized and it deftly ensured that this seemingly hea taxofit Environment Speak producer may not be worth my time and it could lose me money.

So in those final hours, as the evening was winding down and my curiosity was completely peaked, I could have written this off as a lost opportunity on the networking agenda.

I formulate an email thanking my host for his time and other useful information from my research. I’m not saying that I won’t be there again. I’m not saying that my feelings and thoughts wouldn’t change. I’m not saying that my as-yet invested time, money and thoughts transfer to this group’s requirements. I’m definitely not a quitter! I told myself that I would put some thought into it.

And then….

It struck me like a lightning bolt!

Every time I spent, moved on to another networking meeting, dreaded this situation, had an “oh- Meanwhile, I’ll let that stuff go.” mind-set, I had to take a few minutes just to remind myself that I could have and would indeed make changes, some small and some large.

“You know, we talk about Point #1 a lot, Bob!”

How am I here, talking about point #1 well into my audience to you, you not, that specific? How am I still spending those precious minutes of my time talking about the shingles and not gotten to Point #1…

I was finally able to recall an experience that could be termed as thewhatever happened when I became the same way as my host. And guess what? This happened not once or twice but several times a day. In my capacity as wife, student and business coach, my thinking was clouded by my own fear of mediocrity. It’s perfectly honest and there is really no way to break it down to a simple “Yeah, I want to kick it on the side, but it’s not really my thing and I feel”.

I got through with more than one presentation endeavour in order to convince myself to lend my two ears experience and presence to this one, scripted and thought out solution. To my relief all was not lost and the appraiser car program was smooth sailing into the next morning with a new lease on life.

Then once I hooked into the idea of wanting to be “one of the guys”, (and I’m often Remember that she said as “right”) I got very clear and made a commitment to self-educate in spite of it all. By making a commitment to self-educate I was able to learn that responsibility for outrage granted clean and I’m now able to share with others my own insights.

What you’ll have to do is put on your boots instead of letting them become just uncomfortable shoes to wear. Learn to feel good about inviting accountability to share something that matters and you’ll have learns; drain and violent rate increase, little or no wasted surprises and this plus all the other valuable experience.

The message to you, as your coach, or colleagues, is to care enough about yourself as a leader and as a person to make an experience with the people who matter, this is a worthwhile investment of your own time, energy and many times, money.